Category Archives: personal

Family Photos 365 – Week 15

April 9, 2021 – 99 of 365 – Vi may not be able to get around much anymore, but the kids are happy to blow her bubbles in her face for her to attack. This remains a favorite activity of hers.

April 10, 2021 – 100 of 365 – Now that the weather is warming up and we’re almost all vaccinated (!!!) that means more outdoor (and soon indoor!) visits from the cutest little nephew, who my kids all call baby Shane even though he is quite a bit bigger than Louisa, and getting close to being as tall as Julia.

Me: Florence, will you pose for a photo under the tree with your sisters?


April 11, 2021 – 101 of 365 – If anyone is interested in a television program delivered from a cardboard box that details the evolution of various Pokemon characters, do I have a show for you!

April 12, 2021 – 102 of 365 – It is not every day you find Peppa Pig routing through the box of legos in your playroom.

April 13, 2021 – 103 of 365 – Bubbles and flower petals might be my favorite combination.

April 14, 2021 – 104 of 365 – I like to call Trevor my dire wolf–always standing guard. When the kids come into our room in the middle of the night, he gets up and attempts to keep them out of our bed and herd them back to the door (a noble effort). We tell the kids it’s because the knows they are bad sheep who got out of their pen.

April 15, 2021 – 105 of 365 – Previous to this day, the window bench area in my room was the home of a pile of random items and a drying rack for our towels, so I gave it a little upgrade. Julia’s reaction was to tell me that I’m wasting all of our money on plants. Florence told me that our room was perfect now and all we needed to complete it was some kind of curtains. Only one of these children is speaking my language.

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Family Photos 365 – Week 14

April 2, 2021 – 92 of 365 – If Julia ever sees me putting on makeup, or even sees my makeup sitting out, she makes me put some on her. I’m happy to give her a little blush and eyeshadow, but her freckles are always the star of the show for me.

A post-“week of no TV” movie night celebration with pajamas and popcorn and Lou sneaking some “popcorns” to the dogs.

April 3, 2021 – 93 of 365 – [The night before.] “No, Florence, you cannot eat out of the half watermelon on the floor in the living room…you just can’t.” [I walk in next day to find this scene…at least they’re not in the living room.]

April 4, 2021 – 94 of 365 – On a walk with grandpa now that he’s fully vaccinated! Don’t mind me in my victorian woman who can’t let the sun touch her skin getup.

Purple+Yellow. Yellow+Purple.

April 5, 2021 – 95 of 365 – There is one thing that has made me a Trader Joe’s convert. These cheap ranunculus.

April 6, 2021 – 96 of 365 – This is 2.5 (+2 months because for some reason I can never remember the 2 1/2 checkups)

April 7, 2021 – 97 of 365 – This is my very favorite view.

April 8, 2021 – 98 of 365 – I call this, “It’s 10:30pm and I have not taken a photo today and I am in desperation mode.”

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Family Photos 365 – Week 13

March 26, 2021 – 85 of 365 – I did a crazy thing the week of spring break, I banned tv.

I have never been a no screen parent, but all of the screen time had really started taking over every moment of free time in a way that even I could not tolerate–first thing in the morning, as soon as they got home after school, before everyone had even finished dinner–TV, TV, TV. It was a TV addiction situation and it was too much. I decided spring break would be the perfect time to drop the habit. I kind of expected the kids to lose their minds when I broke the news to them, but they took it surprisingly well. I told them we’d do other fun things and we’d have more time to play together and be outside. Then we clicked those Rokus off and left them off for the week. I felt very brave.

Day one I took all three kids out by myself to fly a kite. It was pretty much a good time, although chaotic. Florence decided to also bring along a sketch pad and crayons in her backpack , because a windy open field is also a great place to do some sketching apparently. I talked her out of the lap desk.

March 27, 2021 – 86 of 365 – Day 2 we went on our first hike of the season at Ridley Creek State Park. We saw a little waterfall and picked wild flowers and Julia threw herself on the ground at one point and refused to hike any longer. Am I a terrible mother that I find these sorts of tantrums incredibly adorable? I often take covert videos in the moment, which seems really mean, but my kids absolutely love watching themselves flip out after the episode has passed. They too realize how crazy they were being.

We also watched our first front steps sunset of the season.

March 28, 2021 – 87 of 365 – Harry Potter got me through spring break no tv, that is for sure. Florence spent every spare moment with her nose in a book.

March 29, 2021 – 88 of 365 – During Louisa’s nap one day, Florence and Julia made a circus show for me and Jason. Florence was a clown who couldn’t juggle (on purpose…that was the schtick) and a hula hoop tight rope walker. Julia was a broom “horseback” rider and the funniest strong man I have ever seen, who picked up various items around the yard with mixed success. The best part though might have been the two of them taking turns announcing each other and providing vocal musical accompaniment from inside the tent on their Frozen karaoke player.

March 30, 2021 – 89 of 365 – Dancing hair on dancing girls.

March 31, 2021 – 90 of 365 – This is the face of a two year old who doesn’t want to hear your reasonable explanations for why she can’t dye eggs all by herself and a father who does not enjoy doing crafty projects, most especially with two year olds who don’t want to hear your reasonable explanations.

April 1, 2021 – 91 of 365 – They want to make tiny flower bouquets every single day and I try to remember to never be in too much of a rush to let them do it.

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Family Photos 365 – Week 12

March 19, 2021 – 78 of 365 – Once there is a week of warm weather, I don’t care if the next week is frigid and we’re all in winter coats and hats, it’s grilling weather and there is no turning back.

March 20, 2021 – 79 of 365 – It was a good day of planting in the garden with some little helpers. Julia was my shadow, wanting to put the seeds in and pat down the soil. I’m so glad I asked Jason to take this photo of me and my girls after a good day of hard work. Florence wanted to take a swing at being the photographer too and took the photo below of me, Lou, and Julia. Not half bad and I’m very into this development and what it could mean for me appearing in our family photos in the future.


March 21, 2021 – 80 of 365 – Tea parties in the backyard are back! In addition to grilling season, it is outdoor tea party season. I know dresses are the preferred attire, but I feel good about Julia’s sensible outdoor pajamas (outdoor pajamas have to have pants according to Julia–her Minnie nightgown is for indoor use only) and Louisa’s overalls and ponytails are the height of fashion in my personal opinion.

March 22, 2021 – 81 of 365 – The very last thing we did before the world shut down last March, was attend Florence’s live theater productions. Back then, I don’t think you ever could have convinced me that just over a year later, in March 2021, this is how her theater performance would look. I could focus on the negative here. It’s a bummer to have to perform and/or watch a performance over zoom. But I have to say that when I really think about it, the resourcefulness of people over this last year–making things work when everything has been turned upside down and the usual way of doing things are inaccessible–has blown my mind over and over again.

March 23, 2021 – 82 of 365 – You know it’s going to be a great day when it starts off with a work crew sawing into your street, directly in front of your open windows, at 7:30am. GOOD MORNING WORLD!

In case you think zoom dance looks like little girls obediently following their tiny computer teacher from my living room every week, here is another take. Picture below taken immediately after Julia clocked Lou in the head with her water bottle. It’s definitely not all pliés and relevés.

March 24, 2021 – 83 of 365 – School drop off co-pilot. He looks stoic, but when we got to the vet, he tried to jump across the arm rests into my lap. (Don’t worry. It was just a check-up.)

March 25, 2021 – 84 of 365 – When the whole family is together, Louisa will sometimes out of nowhere say, “I love mom. And dad. And Florence. And Julia. And me. I love my family.” It is painfully adorable. So, as Lou herself says, she loves Florence.

But…are you familiar with Elmyra from Tiny Toons? Because Florence’s love for Louisa can sometimes have an intensity that walks the line of being worthy of an Elmyra comparison. Louisa’s face in this photo tells me that story.

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My name is Katie and these are my people. You can get to know us and see my family's story in pictures here. I would love to hear your story too. 

