Category Archives: family



Do you think it’s a bad sign if it’s been so long since I put a post up that I forgot what my password is? hehe. Well, I guess it wasn’t really that long, but I did forget it.

I took these photos of Lauren back in December. It was freezing…she was freezing…my hands were freezing…but we were both good sports and I think the photos turned out great considering the less than pleasant conditions. She makes it easy though. :-)

Lauren needed some new stuff for a casting website and she was open to try pretty much anything, which was good since I was antsy to be a bit creative in the dead of winter. So here are a few of my favs.






ha ha. This one makes me laugh because it is as if Lauren is uncertain if the light might burst open on her head and spill out its many dead insects. Yum.

Speaking of yum…I love this light!





I really love the way the light is coming through the stairs in this one.

Lauren insisted that I also include some shots that she took of me. She was anxious to give the whole photographer thing a whirl.

This adorable little bull dog puppy climbed up to sit with me on the underpass. He was so tiny and cute!

…I don’t know. :-)

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Josie: 3 Months


How adorable is she? Josie is a baby for whom I’m doing 5 sessions in her first year. It’s so interesting to see how quickly babies grow in that time! I did her first session when she was only a week old and she was so tiny. Even then she was just about the best baby I’ve seen. She stayed awake for nearly the whole time I was shooting and posed like an old modeling pro. :-) This time she had more opinions about what she did and didn’t want to do, but she was still a pretty good sport about it all.



I love this one. She just looks so alert and inquisitive. :-)

ha ha! This one cracks me up!



Little baby feet…


big Eagles fans…so a little eagles shout out… :-)

I love this little face! It’s like she’s trying to say something important.

…tiny hands.

I love this one and these next few. She was having such a fun time with her dad. So cute!



Happy baby!

I can’t wait for her next session which is coming up super quickly!

…and in case you were curious…here’s a photo from Josie’s first session.


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Kristen: Portrait


Last weekend I got to catch up with two of my oldest friends, Kristen and Lauren. The three of us have been friends since waaaay back in middle school when we were all in a children’s choir together, The Children’s Choir of Bucks County. I should post some photos of us in our uniforms, we were all oh so stylish. ;-) We don’t get to see each other as much as we used to since we’re all so busy, but we try to do dinner or brunch whenever we can.

Lauren and Kristen are still involved in “the arts,” so every once in a while I do some photos for them…or they model for me…however you want to look at it. :-) Before our brunch on Saturday, Kristen did some modeling for me in Philly and I think she’s pretty good at it.


Love Kristen’s attitude in this one. :-)

just a little bit of texture action.





We came across this cute little cafe and stopped to warm up for a bit.


Love the way the light is catching her hair in this one.


Thanks Kristen for being a trooper with the sun and the cold. ;-) Photos of Lauren coming soon…

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Lauri & Mikey: Engagement Session


Ahhhh…couldn’t you just die over their cuteness?!

I wasn’t sure where to start since I’ve been off the blogging for a while and have about a million things to post, so I thought I’d start with Lauri and Mikey. Cause they are adorable. :-) We have a very special plan for their engagement session(s) which involves quite a bit more work. But this is the first piece of the puzzle. You’ll have to check back to find out what we have planned. Oooo…so mysterious.

Anywho, their engagement session also happens to have a sort of funny story. See, one day Lauri and I were at a meeting and when we left I drove by the thing that looked like maybe an abandoned park or something. I wasn’t quite sure because I didn’t stop to check it out fully, but it looked interesting enough to warrant further investigation. So I suggested to Lauri, knowing that she’d off course be up for it, that we go ahead and just use this place as the inspiration for their session. As I’d suspected she was totally game.

On the day of the session we show up at this supposed abandoned park, and find it looking rather like someone’s home…with a strange sort of desolate pool in the middle of their grounds. Hmmm… The main house did look like it might be abandoned…and also maybe haunted, but we did try to knock and ask permission, if there was in fact anyone to ask permission from. We didn’t have any luck and so started shooting and figured if there was anyone there, we didn’t mean their property any harm and maybe they didn’t mind. Well, I think Lauri and I felt this way, but Mikey was a bit more wary…

…see? wary.

After a bit of shooting, a man did yell down to us from the house to ask what we were doing. I responded and asked if he minded if we just used his property for some photos, he thought about it and yelled down “No.” Ah…success!




It was a very cool, interesting place to shoot. After a bit the man did come down and told us about the house. I guess at some point it was a functional pool until a flood ruined it and it was never repaired. Oh…and it was in a movie, some sci-fi film. I can see that working. :-)


Silly Lauri. :-)

In addition to using the pool area there was this incredible old tree.

I love this tree!

Not all the pictures were creepy. hehe.




This one totally cracks me up!

If Lauri and Mikey ever decide to tour the country as a folk duet, I would like them to use this as their album artwork.


This one reminds me of that movie the Blare Witch Project….creepy!


I had to save one of my favorite creepies until last! :-) Can’t get enough of that tree.

So we had the best time shooting this session (minus the concern over being thrown off the property by an angry home owner) and the best part is that we have lots more fun to look forward to! Yay!

Check back to find out what we’re up to. hehehe :-)

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My name is Katie! I love color and pretty light and happy faces and sessions that include all of those things. Photographing families like yours, capturing the essence of what makes you unique, is my passion. I want to get to know you and to tell a story that is authentically yours.  


