Miss Jules is four months old today! That obviously means that it’s been four months since she made her debut, but it’s hard to believe. It feels like it was just yesterday and at the same time, forever ago. She continues to be a delightful little baby nugget and Florence continues to be completely in love with her. This is just a little sample of what we’ve been up to over the last couple of months. You might notice that I am in one!!! It’s my yearly mother’s day shot that I make Jason take…an annual reminder that I am here even though I’m usually behind the camera and not in front of it. :-)
Happy Friday!
These pictures are awe-inspiring, Katie. You are an amazing photographer. Your family is beautiful!
Gah! You are SO talented. Love all of your pics and your adorable little family! :)
Thank you so much! :-)
Thank you so much Rachel! :-)